Topics we hope to explore here include do-it-yourself approaches – and more – to the following
Social and Cultural Development and Management
As the climate crisis intensifies, effective solutions will require social transformation, drastic shifts to cultural norms, and new ways of managing ourselves and our world.
Climate-Proof Structures
As extreme weather, heat and flooding become more part of daily life, the places we live and work will need to change. Underground buildings may become more part of the norm, as just one example.
Temperature Management
Global heating in the future will be a given. People, plants, fish, and animals unfortunately will likely not evolve fast enough to live with that heat. Air conditioning – at least as we currently know it – is already too wasteful of energy to be deployed as is. There will need to be new solutions to keeping our ecosystem temperatures more moderated even as the world changes.
Water Supply, Recycling and Purification
As drought spreads and aquifers once used for drinking water and irrigation run dry, alternatives to securing, reusing, and cleaning up the precious water will need to be in place soon.
Oxygen Production and CO2 Removal
As carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere and oceans soars, there will be a parallel need to find ways to pull it back out of the air while adding oxygen in its place.
Food Production
Conventional means of food production and even the choices of food we produce are going to need to shift as the world heats up.
Waste Recycling
Finding ever more efficient ways of reusing and redeploying our waste is already turning out to be one of the priorities of the current age.
Keeping ourselves, our crops, and our societies safe is going to become an increasingly challenging part of life. Everything from food security to personal safety is about to change.
Biodiversity Preservation
As many researchers have already learned, even as the climate crisis and global heating are growing more acute, finding a way to maintain the complex biodiverse ecosystems is going to be even more important. Species are dying off at record rates already. Without new ideas and new methods in place to maintain them, the food chain and the world’s resilience to single-target crises (as less species survive) will suffer.
Survival Communities
Though it may be tough to think about it, the stress of Global Heating and the Climate Crisis is likely to push self-sustaining groups together in very different ways, very soon. Those quarters for living, working, eating, educating and more will come down in history as “survival communities” of the new world ahead of us.
Political Structures and Leadership
As our world puts new demands on us to live, we as a people will need to develop very different means of organizing ourselves as societal entities. How should our political structures of the future evolve going forward? What kinds of leadership will be needed? How should we begin to prepare for the certainties of that even now?
Just as societal structures will change, so too will the means for managing the financial side of our world. What will and should happen to our monetary and banking systems? What is the role that solutions like cryptocurrency and associated digital currency exchanges take?
Intercommunity Transportation
Since it will still be necessary for people, products, and food resources to be sourced in one place and moved to others, new forms of intercommunity transportation – which are far more resource efficient and effective in a much hotter world – will need to be developed and deployed.